How to Create a Productive Study or Work Environment

MInimal work setup

I wrote a post about creating a balanced routine while working from home almost two years ago. In this post, I will be going deep into the details of creating a productive work environment.

I have been working from home since 2020. I have been also doing many creative projects like this blog alongside my 9-5. As someone who occasionally struggles with my attention, I have learned a thing or two over the years.

Importance of a productive environment

Whether you are a student or a knowledge worker, setting up the right environment is crucial for your well-being and productivity. Humans have a limited amount of energy every single day. But we wake up to a world that is competing for our attention.

Focusing on what matters without getting distracted is the best skill you can build these days. Setting up an environment where you can enter a flow state without much friction is the key to having a productive day.

Setting up the right environment will result in improved focus, better retention of information, and increased motivation.

Choosing the right location and setup

Select a quiet place with minimal distractions. This could be a dedicated room, a corner in your home, or a spot in the library. The human brain associates environments with experiences. Assigning a specific spot for your work or study is beneficial. As soon as you sit there, your brain will know it’s time to study. The key is not to use that space for anything else. For example, don’t eat, sleep, and work in the same spot on your bed.

Don’t do everything in one place. If you are a student living with roommates, create a clear separation between your bed and study area.

I have some personal experience with this one during the pandemic. I used to stay with my parents while doing a remote data science job in the research department of an MNC. Work was super hectic. I had set up a small desk in my bedroom. It worked for a while. Eventually, I noticed a drastic decrease in the quality of my sleep and an increase in my anxiety levels. My brain found it very hard to detach from work.

I moved my desk to a different room of my house and started following a wind-down routine every single day and everything became so much better.

Tips for reducing distractions

There are many things you can do to preserve your attention.

You can put a timer for the distracting apps on your phone. I have a 15-minute timer for Instagram. If I turn off the timer I am going to waste a good 90 minutes watching funny reels and sharing them with my spouse.

I use an Android phone. They have an inbuilt digital well-being function to put timers. You can automatically set modes like sleep, and work, focus, etc. You can also create custom modes.

Also, don’t pick up as soon as you wake up. Give your brain to just recalibrate and restart. Plan your day. Get on the balcony and get some sunlight. Hydrate. Do a quick workout. There are so many healthier ways to start your day.

I am 28 now. I didn’t grow up with technology. I got my first smartphone when I was 19. So I still remember how it felt to have those slow mornings where you don’t split your attention between a million things right after you wake up. Recently it became extremely hard for me to brush my teeth without something in the background. These days, I am actively trying to have a technology-free morning.

You can also get these lock boxes with timers for your phone. That is a bit extreme but it could save your brain.

Turn off the notifications and keep your phone in a different room.

Ergonomics and comfort

Ergonomics plays a crucial role in preventing fatigue and discomfort during long work or study sessions.

Use an adjustable chair with a footrest or an adjustable desk. Sitting is the new smoking. So, get a standing desk if you can afford it.

Learn a little bit about office ergonomics.

Make sure you get up and move at regular intervals. Your smartwatch can remind you to do that.

Get a good monitor to save your eyes. Every 20 minutes give a 20-second break for your eyes. I use an app called SafeEyes on my Ubuntu work machine.

My previous company used to conduct ergonomics sessions with orthopedics experts so often. The number of people with serious back problems in corporate is unbelievably high. So don’t ignore your health.

Set your room to a comfortable temperature. Choose a suitable lighting mode.

I move around a lot during the day while working. My desk, sofa, and kitchen counter are my favorite spots.

Organizing study materials for efficiency

If you are a student, gather everything before you start your session. Having a note-taking and task-management system helps a lot.

I use a combination of Notion, a physical journal, and digital sticky notes to manage my workflows.

I use the PARA system to organize my notes, tasks, and projects.

I use Notion to take all my notes.

After your study or work session, declutter the space. Don’t give your brain reasons to procrastinate.


The key to being productive is making your work enjoyable. Declutter your space. Reduce distractions. Prioritize ergonomics while designing your space.

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